Every day, it seems like a new innovation makes lives easier, particularly for people working in the construction industry. With each one, we wonder how we could have done the job without that new technology in the first place.
And 3-D technology may be poised to provide school construction at a much faster, easier rate than ever before. Nonprofit Thinking Huts has announced its first Building Minds Project, which will produce a 3-D printed school for the Southeastern Anosy region of Madagascar.
According to Thinking Hut, the school’s walls will be built from the ground up while the printer extrudes concrete layers that will reduce the construction schedule from months to days. However, the school’s roof, doors and other structures will use locally sourced materials.
“There is an opportunity for us to combine technology with humanitarian-driven goals,” Founder Maggie Grout said. “I envision a future where we close the global opportunity gap. Education is at the root of tackling many problems the world faces today, such as inequality, health epidemics and economic growth. In order to cross the frontier, we must embrace innovation.”