Every day, builders experience tough times, thanks to the challenges of the job site. But now they are coping with a challenge shared by the rest of the world: COVID-19. However, despite the effect this virus has had, industry members are still taking the time to help others.
Phoenix television stations KTVK 3TV and KPHO CBS 5 recently reported that Arizona-based Willmeng Construction donated a supply of N95 masks to Desert Valley Pediatrics when it learned that the healthcare provider needed them. The masks are similar to the ones doctors and nurses use for treating patients with contagious diseases.
“We reached out to our safety supervisor, and he had the masks on hand and was able to make a donation,” Willmeng Director of Client and Preconstruction Services Keyvan Ghahreman told the stations. “There was a real need and they asked. And I’m happy. We’re all happy that we were able to help out in some way.”
The charitable spirit will not be leaving the industry anytime soon. According to KTVK and KPHO, the Home Builders Association of Central Arizona (HBACA) is planning a mask and eyewear drive for healthcare providers. “We are encouraging all of our builders to solicit from their trades for excess eye protection and masks,” HBACA Executive Officer Connie Wilhelm said.